Monday 31 January 2011

Strawberry & Banana Crunchy Muffins

Posted by Armi at 21:07
This is a very light snack with virtually no fat at all. So it's ideal for all those ladies who are watching their figures.

Ingredients: 300g flour / 1 packet baking powder / pinch of salt / 125g sugar / 1 egg / 4 tbsp oil / 280ml milk / 100g strawberries (or any red fruit) / 2 ripe bananas (mashed) / 2 weetabix biscuits / a handfull of choc chips (opt)

Seive the flour and backing powder in a mixing bowl. Add the sugar and stir.
In another mixing bowl add the wet ingredients and wisk. Pour into the flour and stir.

Add the fruits, weetabix and choc chips.

Put into 12 muffin tins and bake for 20-25 mins in 200C pre-heated oven.


rengarenk on 4 February 2011 at 19:46 said...

muffinler süper görünüyo arada malzemeleri hiç olmazsa türkçe yazsan iyi olur bizde faydalanabiliriz

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