Monday 10 January 2011

Roasted Red Peppers and Tuna Chunks Salad

Posted by Armi at 23:32
Ok I know I have got slightly carried away with the choux pastry over the past few weeks, so I wanted to add something on the healthier side. What more healthier than a nice bowl of SALAD.....

Roasted Red Peppers and Tuna Chunks Salad
Roast the peppers under a hot grill. Once blackened, put in a bag and leave to cool. Peel the skin and slice into edible pieces.
In a salad bowl add lettuice, peppers, tuna chunks, spring onions and black peppers. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.....


Armi on 11 January 2011 at 18:49 said...

tsk ederim. bunun goruntusunu begendiysen, bir de tadina baktiginda bayilirsin....

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