Monday 13 December 2010

Perfected Sponge Cake Recipe

Posted by Armi at 19:13
Today I have been bombarded with people asking for the recipes of the cakes which I've been making.
Below is the perfect cake recipe which I learnt at school, I still use this when making my cakes, and I try to add a little something extra each time - see options below.

175gr sugar
175gr butter or margarine
3 medium sized eggs
175gr self raising flour
2 tablespoons milk or water

- pre-heat oven to 180 degrees
- line a 20cm cake tin with greaseproof paper to prevent from sticking and burning
- 'cream' the butter and sugar until light in colour and fluffy in texture
- in a seperate bowl lightly beat the eggs
- slowly add eggs to the creamed butter and sugar a little at a time whilst mixing constantly
- sift the flour to the creamy mixutre, about a 1/3 at a time. Using a spatula, fold in the flour.
- add milk
- pour mixture into the tin and bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes

Make sure you test the cake with a skewer to check if it is done.

You can make all sorts of different cakes with this recipe. add to the cake mixture before baking.

lemon zest and poppy seeds,
apple and cinnamon
choc chip and raisins
orange and almond
coffee and chocolate
........ the combinations are endless

Happy baking


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