Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas Dinner

Posted by Armi at 11:22
Living so far away from my parents and not being able to spend Christmas and the New Year with them, in 1998 I started having annual Christmas dinner parties with my friends here in Istanbul. As it is not celebrated here, it was a new experience for them and at the same time making me less home sick.

Thinking back to my earlier years at the start of my adult life, I think that's when I actually started to enjoy cooking. My first menu comprised of Leek & Potato Soup, followed by the traditional roast with the trimings. I didn't feel I was capable to make a proper christmas pudding (actually, I still don't think I have the time), so I opted for a classic apple pie and custard, which turned out beautifully.

Having a large living/dining room, I managed to host upto 12 people in the first annual dinner. The punch was very amature to say the least, but went down a treat. Thank you to all my friends who have been with me through thick and thin.

Over the past few years, not being an avid turkey fan, I have made different main meals with the traditional trimmings. From from roast chicken to kofte to roast lamb.

Putting all my past experiences together, this year's menu will comprise of the following:
Leek & Potato Soup
Roast Leg of lamb (with onion and bay leaf)
Roast potato (with rosemary and garlic)
Roasted vegetables (anything to add some colour to the platter; carrots, red pepper, green beans, ......)
Mushroom & Onion gravy

This year's dessert: will have to be my croquembouche, as it's been the favourite so far.

Thanks in advance to all my ginuea pigs :)))


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