Monday 27 December 2010

Orange Crunchy Biscuits

Posted by Armi at 09:43
Ceyda wanted to make something from her very 1st cook book, which her grandma gave to her as a Christmas present this year. I must say, the book is actually brilliant with very grown up recipes. I can't wait to try them out :))

She chose a simple to make yet at the same time elegant looking biscuit. Obviously taking after me, she personalised the recipe to give it her own personal touch.

Here is the final product:....

125gr self raising flour
60gr butter/margarine
60gr sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp honey
orange zest (or lemon zest)

- Mix ingredients until it forms a small ball of dough.
- Wrap it in cling film and chill for a few hours.
- Roll out and cut out in shapes
- Grease baking tray and bake in pre-heated oven for 6-8 mins at 180 degrees.
- Remove biscuits and leave to cool
- Decorate with icing

Bon apetite :))

Every week Ceyda will be making a new dish to add to this blog. Watch this space for my bambina's tasty creations........


Unknown on 30 December 2010 at 15:01 said...


looks very delicious
test me......:))

Armi on 2 January 2011 at 17:36 said...

Reyhan, you will be the first person I call to test these little lovelies.... A

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