Monday 27 December 2010

Orange Crunchy Biscuits

Posted by Armi at 09:43 2 comments
Ceyda wanted to make something from her very 1st cook book, which her grandma gave to her as a Christmas present this year. I must say, the book is actually brilliant with very grown up recipes. I can't wait to try them out :))

She chose a simple to make yet at the same time elegant looking biscuit. Obviously taking after me, she personalised the recipe to give it her own personal touch.

Here is the final product:....

125gr self raising flour
60gr butter/margarine
60gr sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp honey
orange zest (or lemon zest)

- Mix ingredients until it forms a small ball of dough.
- Wrap it in cling film and chill for a few hours.
- Roll out and cut out in shapes
- Grease baking tray and bake in pre-heated oven for 6-8 mins at 180 degrees.
- Remove biscuits and leave to cool
- Decorate with icing

Bon apetite :))

Every week Ceyda will be making a new dish to add to this blog. Watch this space for my bambina's tasty creations........

Sunday 26 December 2010

Cake Pops

Posted by Armi at 12:15 0 comments
I will be giving Cake Pops a go today. Cakes on a stick  :))

Photos to follow

Saturday 25 December 2010

Christmas Dinner

Posted by Armi at 11:22 0 comments
Living so far away from my parents and not being able to spend Christmas and the New Year with them, in 1998 I started having annual Christmas dinner parties with my friends here in Istanbul. As it is not celebrated here, it was a new experience for them and at the same time making me less home sick.

Thinking back to my earlier years at the start of my adult life, I think that's when I actually started to enjoy cooking. My first menu comprised of Leek & Potato Soup, followed by the traditional roast with the trimings. I didn't feel I was capable to make a proper christmas pudding (actually, I still don't think I have the time), so I opted for a classic apple pie and custard, which turned out beautifully.

Having a large living/dining room, I managed to host upto 12 people in the first annual dinner. The punch was very amature to say the least, but went down a treat. Thank you to all my friends who have been with me through thick and thin.

Over the past few years, not being an avid turkey fan, I have made different main meals with the traditional trimmings. From from roast chicken to kofte to roast lamb.

Putting all my past experiences together, this year's menu will comprise of the following:
Leek & Potato Soup
Roast Leg of lamb (with onion and bay leaf)
Roast potato (with rosemary and garlic)
Roasted vegetables (anything to add some colour to the platter; carrots, red pepper, green beans, ......)
Mushroom & Onion gravy

This year's dessert: will have to be my croquembouche, as it's been the favourite so far.

Thanks in advance to all my ginuea pigs :)))

Sunday 19 December 2010

Muffin de la Portakalli

Posted by Armi at 20:58 1 comments

Coming up to the festive holiday season, entertaining is something that is unavoidable this month. And what a pleasure it is to be surrounded by loved ones; eating, drinking, being merry :)) Thanks girls for last night :)

This morning, with the inspiration of my friend, we created an orange zest and dark chocolate muffin. As a secret ingredient, we added a slighty naughty treat; orange liquor......... This one's for you G.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Linden herbal tea for those cold winter nights

Posted by Armi at 21:05 0 comments
Linden leaves are a great remedy for colds, coughs, fevers, even headaches. I prefer to use the leaves straight from the tree, rather than the dried types.

In a pot add a small handful of linden leaves, half a lemon, a small stem of ginger, a few peppercorns and 1 dried chilli (the chilli works wonders for a sore throat). Add boiling water and brew for 10 minutes.

Can be served with sugar or honey.

Monday 13 December 2010

Perfected Sponge Cake Recipe

Posted by Armi at 19:13 0 comments
Today I have been bombarded with people asking for the recipes of the cakes which I've been making.
Below is the perfect cake recipe which I learnt at school, I still use this when making my cakes, and I try to add a little something extra each time - see options below.

175gr sugar
175gr butter or margarine
3 medium sized eggs
175gr self raising flour
2 tablespoons milk or water

- pre-heat oven to 180 degrees
- line a 20cm cake tin with greaseproof paper to prevent from sticking and burning
- 'cream' the butter and sugar until light in colour and fluffy in texture
- in a seperate bowl lightly beat the eggs
- slowly add eggs to the creamed butter and sugar a little at a time whilst mixing constantly
- sift the flour to the creamy mixutre, about a 1/3 at a time. Using a spatula, fold in the flour.
- add milk
- pour mixture into the tin and bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes

Make sure you test the cake with a skewer to check if it is done.

You can make all sorts of different cakes with this recipe. add to the cake mixture before baking.

lemon zest and poppy seeds,
apple and cinnamon
choc chip and raisins
orange and almond
coffee and chocolate
........ the combinations are endless

Happy baking

Sunday 12 December 2010

Birthday Party

Posted by Armi at 03:26 4 comments
No it's not my birthday. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a Gemini, true to my starsign, and my birthday is in June and that I like to celebrate it cruising on the Bosphorus with my loved ones. Music, dancing, plenty of booze.....

The birthday girl's treat or should I say the target I have set myself is the Croquembouche. Is literally means crunch in the mouth, it's a traditional French dessert usually served at weddings & celebrations. Making this for my friend's brithday is a good celebration as any.

For anyone who knows what this is; YES, I will really have a challenge lined up here. It 's basically choux pastry, which is the same as profiterol pastry, filled with a yummy vanilla and orange cream.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

BaNanALiciOus Muffin

Posted by Armi at 09:55 3 comments

The first creation I wanted to add, purely because it tasted like heaven and also that it's my latest recipie to date is the BaNanALiciOus Muffin.
My bambina'm, who has a sweet tooth, wanted cake the other day. Thinking about the ingredients at home and liking to combine flavours and textures. I decided to have a go at making a weetabix (rough and crunchy), banana (soft and gooey), and choc chip (well because it's choc chip) muffin. The result: 5*'s for the first try.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life......

Posted by Armi at 09:37 1 comments
Today is the day that I start my blog. I have never had a blog before, so this is a totally new experience for me, so bear with me with the designs, pictures and uploads, etc, etc

As my friends and family all know, some of my passions in life is dancing, music and cooking.

My blog will mainly be about cooking and the "impromptu delights" I create in my humble kitchen. My main goal with my food is to make the tastiest dishes, combining colours and textures.

I hope to bring new and interesting recipies along with pictures and my experiences along the way.

A biggggg thank you to my friends and family who have offered to be my ginuea pigs with my experiments. God bless you all.

I would also personally like to thank my 8 year old bambina, Ceyda (pron. Jayda) who has been my little "big" helper since she was 2 years old. She started of as kitchen assistant and has worked her way up to commis and now chef de partie in "Kitchen de la Armi". I will promote her to sous chef next year. shhhhh don't say anything, she doesn't know yet.
Her enthusiasm shows that she has the potential to be one of the greatest chefs in the world.

I'm not sure where this blog will lead me, but I aim to have fun on this new embarking journey. Come join me for some culinary delights.........

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