Sunday 21 August 2011

Kisir (Tabbouleh)

Posted by Armi at 18:11
Originated from Syria & Lebannon, Kisir is one of the most popular salads in the Middle East. Traditionally it's made with bulgur, tomato, cucumber, and finely chopped parsley, seasoned with olive oil & lemon juice, but every country does have it's own variation.

The version I make is East Turkey meets South West Turkey and makes a short trip to cyprus :)) I like it spicy and acidic, so I tend to add lots of lemon juice and hot chill flakes.

Ingredients: 1 glass of bulgur (cracked wheat), 1 glass boiling water, finely chopped fresh green herbs (I usually use parsley & mint - but you can use anything you desire as the sky's the limit), finely chopped spring onions, home made tomato puree, home made pomegranate molasses, olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, cumin, salt, chilli flakes, tabasco sauce ******

****** notice how I do not state quantity. Everything about this dish is optional - so I will leave it up to you.

 Directions: - In a bowl add the bulgur and boiling water. Stir and cover with a muslin cloth (or tea towel), leave for 15-20 mins until cooked.
- once cooled give it a good stir with a wooden spoon.
- start adding the ingredients one at a time, and mixing well.
- I like to start with the tomato puree, followed by chooped herbs, spring onion, leaving the spices and seasoning to last.

Make sure you taste at each stage to make sure the seasoning is just right.

- serve with lettuce and lemon slices


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