Saturday 26 February 2011

American-Style Pancakes a la Ceyda

Posted by Armi at 13:46 0 comments
My bambina'm wanted to have a picnic breakfast this morning and offered to make something for us.

Looking through the cookbook her grandma gave her, she decided to make this scrummy American-Style pancake.

Ingredients: 140g self-raising flour  /  2 tbsp sugar  /  175ml milk  /  1 egg

Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl. Stir in the sugar and make a well in the centre.

Lightly whisk milk and egg together and pour in the well and mix with a wooden spoon until you have a smooth and creamy batter.

For best results, leave the batter to rest for 30 mins.

In a pan heat some oil, pour in the batter with a ladel and cook for about 2 mins or until bubbles appear on the surface. Flip over and cook for another 2 mins.

Serve with absolutely anything you desire. We served with chocolate sauce and cream.

This is the 2nd dish Ceyda has made from her cookbook.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Valentine's Day Cake

Posted by Armi at 21:52 0 comments

I wanted to make something light and fluffy for Valentine's to ensure that after eating it you wouldn't fall asleep on the couch with your beau. So I opted for a light vanilla cream filled heart shaped choux, topped with roasted almonds and dusted with icing sugar. Not so heavy is it :))

Sunday 6 February 2011

Eton Mess

Posted by Armi at 20:00 0 comments
This is English dessert consists of strawberries, meringue and cream.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Magarina Bulli

Posted by Armi at 18:51 0 comments
Today I'm having a nostalgia filled day, going back to my childhood with the lovely filling Cypriot food mum and nan used to make: the infamous Magarina Bulli

Boil the chicken until cooked through. Put the cooked chicken in a baking dish and lightly oil. Bake in oven until browned. With the chicken stock, bring to boil and add spaghetti / linguine and boil for about 10 mins.

To serve: put the pasta and some of the juices in a soup dish, topped with grated helloumi and a piece of your favorite chicken piece.

yummy yummy

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