Friday 4 November 2011

Scrambled eggs a la ceyda

Posted by Armi at 21:44 0 comments
Last Sunday, I was gently awoken by my bambina'm around 9am. I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me itching to ask me something. Then she said something which made me so proud of her "Mummy, can you teach me how to cook eggs".

After deciding what she wanted to make with the eggs, she chose scrambled eggs.

She asked me what the secret is to cooking, to which I replied: always cooking with love.....

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp milk, knob of butter, salt & pepper.

- Beat the eggs and milk with a fork, add salt & pepper.
- heat frying pan and add the butter.
- add the eggs, stirring gently with a wooden spoon (or a spatula) for about 1 min, or until set

My baby is growing into a fine young independant adult.
Oh, and a brilliant chef........

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